posts in Summer

Surviving The Blazing Summer | Arizona Summer Guide

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Summer time is here and ready to stay. Summers in Arizona can be harsh,with the dry air the the constant beaming sun and lets not forget the 100+ degree weather. I've lived in Arizona my entire life so I'm use to preparing for the summer. I actually remember buying summer clothes and flip flops and pool supplies and being just super excited as a child when summer came around. Summer meant no school and swimming all day, but as an adult there's so many things you have to prepare for yourself. So here's a guide to surviving summer! Hope you enjoy

Everyday Tips


Overcast Days Are Still Hot
Sometime we think that because the clouds are over the city, that means you can walk around bare foot and just relax outside. Wrong! The heat in Arizona is so hot that even on a cloudy day you can still get blisters and burn your feet. If the sun was 115 one day and overcast the next, the ground is still hot so be careful.

Wear Breathable Clothing 
Cotton and breathable clothing can help with not overheating in the summer. Summer dresses and light linen cloths are comfortable and prefect for the summer. I've been in the dress mood lately and they are 

 Stainless Steel Water Bottle w/ Ice
Water is an essential part of living but definitely an essential part of the summer. Drink as much water as you can, your body will love you for it. I like using a stainless steel water bottle and adding ice t help it stay colder long and I can always add more water and the ice will still be there. So drink up! Takeya Stainless Steel Water Bottle 

 Baby Wipes
On those long days when your out and shopping, or at the park. Baby wipes help give your skin a refresh after you have been sweating all day. I don't like feeling sticky after I sweat so keeping a good bag of baby wipes keeps you clean and refreshed.

 A Fan (Big Or Small) 
Fans in a hot place like Arizona are much needed, whether they are a small desk fan or a large ceiling fan. They even have little phone fans that attached to your iphone, how cool is that! I can bring this little fan with me everywhere.
Mini Fans For Your Phone 

P46 Digital Mini Fan 2-in-1 Mini for iPhone/iPad and Android - Pink/Blue/Green - 3 Piece

Protect those sweat stains with a Panty Liner
If your prone to sweat stains under your arm pits, opt for placing a panty liner in your arm pits with the cotton side facing your arm pit to soak up the sweat and they sticky side on your shirt. This will help eliminate those embarrassing sweat stains that always happen. Especially when you love and  wear gray.

Water Proof Mascara
No one likes running mascara or if your start sweating and wipe your face you mascara starts to smear. A good water proof mascara give you the pretty awake eyelashes you want without the running black makeup

Cold Rose Water Spray
I like to place all natural rose water in the fridge and use it on my face before I leave the house. Its refreshing and also good for your skin.You can use it in a spray bottle or just a regular face pad. I prefer using a small spray bottle.

Places To Visit

Hotels/ Resort Stays
Having a mini stay cation is always fun and super affordable here in the summer. You can find great deals on expedia or if your looking to have a relaxing day at spa or just in a nice resort with room service. On the plus side most of them have pools

The perfect place to go to get away from the big city and spend some time with nature and red rocks, how cool is that, red rocks. I've lived in Arizona my entire life and I'm always so amazed by it.

Canon Lake
Going on a lake trip is fun! You can go swimming, boating, jet skiing. The most important part is spending time with your family and eating.

Arizona Museum Of Natural History
Any museum is a great summer idea. It's both educational and it has A/C. Some much history to catch up on so get started.

Scottsdale Fashion Square
Just want a simple place to escape the heat, find a mall and explore the shops. Scottsdale Fashion Square has many different shops to explore while still staying cool and great eating too.

Your local coffee shop
I don't know about you but I'm so in love with coffee. Iced coffee in the summer is just perfect. If you like energy drinks dutch bros coffee has some amazing varieties of flavors

Below is a printable for you to keep track of your goals and what you want to do this summer.


I hope you guys enjoyed this summer Arizona summer guide. The summer months are fun but the heat is not a joke. Stay safe and have a fantastic summer!
What are some of the things you guys use to survive in this hot weather, let me know

Spring Inspired Orange Body Scrub | DIY

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Spring and summer are my favorite times to break out the body scrubs. My skin tends to be more vibrant and glowing in the summer so taking this extra step of exfoliating makes my skin that much more hydrated.
I've used store bough scrubs, but making your own is much more cost efficient and you can find most of this in your house.
I have a whole box of essential oils as well as other oils that I use for my hair and skin (coconut oil etc)

Lets See what you'll need:

Coconut Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Jojoba Oil
Vitamin E Oil
Sugar (Brown or White)
A Small Jar
Orange Essential Oil Or Lemon Essential Oil ( Add desired drops)

Mix The Sugar and oils together until you like the texture.Add more oil if you like it softer and less oil if you like more granules.

Enjoy Your Orange Scented Body Scrub!

My Mini Staycation At Element Hotels

Saturday, April 7, 2018

I have to say my mini staycation at Element Hotels has by far been my favorite! If you didn't know I am so obsessed with Hotels (nice, clean hotels that is) I love knowing I can go to a place and relax with all accommodations made for me.

When I think of a staycation I want to feel like I'm in a mini resort, spa etc. I basically just dont want to feel like I'm at home.  Element Hotels made me feel right in my {element} how fitting right. Right when I came in, I knew I was gonna love the place. The smell, cleanliness and overall appearance caught my eye.

I love neutral bright colors with cool wood tones, which is exactly their color scheme. I stayed at the Element in chandler, Arizona, but they have so many accommodating locations all over the U.S.

Relaxation Time

For me this particular stay, I wanted to just unwind from the long week I had. So hitting the gym and relaxing watching a few movies was the highlight of my staycation. I also managed to have a little wine and keep it chilled in their full equipped kitchens.

The fact that I've stayed at this hotel a few times is a sign i may be a little to in love with it. I even had a surprise balloon filled shower for my birthday!

A simple breakfast is all I need

Check out more of what element hotels has to offer.

Element Hotels 

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Mixed Berry Yogurt Bar Pops

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ahhhh Summer is Almost Over! Can you believe it?? Well ..summer may be almost over but I have a sweet treat to share with you today! I'm such lover of sweet things! I like anything sweet, especially yogurt bars. I always buy the ones from the store (that are in the ice cream section) but then after reading the ingredients I thought, well... I could probably make my own with the same items I make my smoothies with. Which is what I did. I made these super super simple yogurt bars. And of course after I make them I go on pinterest and find even more awesome recipes for yogurt bars. Which I will definitely be using in the future, But I am very happy and proud of my little bars and they taste so delicious. Perfect for this heat that we currently have in Arizona.

You Will Need

Chobani Vanilla Greek Yogurt
Mixed Frozen Berries (Or Fresh Berries)
Optional: Splash Of Milk

I like to start with mixing my honey and berries. I love coating the berries in honey, so that I know there sweet and tasty for when me mix everything together.
(its like salting you pasta before adding the salt)

Mix It ALL UP! You Can taste it and add a little more honey if you would like. 

Fill Up Your Popsicle Trays (Yesss! this can get a little messy, but it taste so yummy....licks spoon)

Once its all done, pop it in the freezer over night and enjoy!!!

Check Out More Of Chobani's Delicious Flavors Here------->

My Summer Time Moisturizers

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Hello Summer Time! And hello to any new readers I have out there! Welcome, Welcome! Today I'm talking "Summer Skin Care". I love the summer time, because my skin stays hydrated and glowing, for some strange reason. I'm not complaining about it, I LOVE IT. I do make sure I am always adding moisture into my skin whether its a cream moisturizer or an oil moisturizer . My skin is definitely an oil lover (coconut oil, almond, avocado) any oil. I say its always best to find out what your skin likes. And Yess! that may take some trial and error but its totally worth it and makes shopping much easier and enjoyable.
Most of the products I purchase are fragrance free, because anything that has fragrance as an ingredient is going to break me out in the long run. If the products have to many chemicals it also breaks me out, so I pretty much stick to oils and my basic moisturizers. Let me stop chit chatting and tell you about these products.

I'm going to start with my most recent buys and then go on to my Holy Grails (I guess you can say)

Pixi Overnight Glow Serum 

I've been using the pixi glow serum for about a month and a half and I like it. It gives me this hydrated glowing look before I go to bed at night and I wake up, rinse my face and I feel like a new women. It is definitely only a night time serum. I've tried to use it in the day time and I didn't like the way my face looked. I am one of those people that try everything, because I'm curious. I've also tried this serum before wearing makeup and it makes me so flaky and dry. So ONLY ONLY use it as a night time serum and wash your face in the morning. I also don't use it daily, maybe once a week or twice depending on my skin that week.

Murad (Hydro-Dynamic Ultimate Moisture Hydrant Intense Hrdro Dynamic)

I stumbled over Murad products when I was watching one of my favorite youtubers and she constantly raved over it and so of course I tried it. Let me tell you! Murad has changed my skin care routine. I'm going to save that for another post but I love Murad skin products. I use the hydrating moisturizer 80 percent of the time. It keeps my acne and breaks out away. Its light weight and keeps me hydrated into the next day. It is on the pricey side if you are on a budget. But I can't get enough of murad product and how they have transformed my skin.

Sweet Almond Oil or Avocado Oil

Like I mentioned before my skin and my hair DRINK UP OIL. My skin loves it and I don't know where I would be without it. I use oil at night and in the day time. I probably use oil for most of my moisturizing. I live in the desert and we have very dry heat, so adding oil to my skin really keeps it hydrated. I don't just use oil on my face, but also my body and nails and hair. It has truly been a life saver. It not only keeps my skin hydrated but also plump and soft. I have normal skin so oil doesn't make me shiny or break me out. My skin literally drinks it all in. If your skin is on the oily side I probably wouldn't recommend oil.

Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream

Cetaphil is the first drug store product that cleared up my acne and kept my skin clear. I always keep the body moisturizer handy because it has worked really well for a drug store moisturizer. I definitely don't use it as much as I use to, but I still really like it. I know it says "for body" but I use it on my face only, and I haven't had any issues with it. My favorite thing about it, is it keeps my face soft and hydrated and its fragrance free. And I love that.

Do you guys have any moisturizers you live by, I definitely would like to know. Let me know in the comments and if you want to stay connected Subscribe to my blog and lets be friends!!

Until Next Time XOXO

Refreshing Watermelon Drink

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Who doesn't love watermelon, I know I do! It's perfect for summer and a family BBQ. Which, there will definitely be a lot of this summer. Its super easy to make and you'll definitely be hooked. Blending watermelon into the perfect drink makes it even better.

Watermelon Drink


Watermelon (Seeded or Seedless)

I start by cutting my watermelon into cubes and adding ice

Then I blend until slightly smooth. Then I add some sugar (You can put however much to you liking) This is also when I add my lemon. Then i blend again until all smooth.

*If you don't like small seeds I suggest straining the watermelon juice separate. I don't mind it so, I left it in.

Honey Sugar Coated Glasses

Tip the rim of the glass into a plate or bowl of honey, next dip it into a plate or bowl of sugar. Your end result will be this delicious, sugar coated glass. The honey add a great taste to the drink. 

Next Pour it up, add your sliced lemon and Enjoy!!

My Top 6 Flavored Water Recipes

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

It's summer time and this heat is not going anywhere. Can you believe we reached over 120 degrees this week in Arizona! Talk about being hot and sweaty. Living in Arizona my whole life, I've always loved water. I especially love a good flavored water, one that I've made myself and I know whats in it. Today I'm sharing my top 6 favorite flavored water recipes. I hope you enjoy and try them yourself. 

 I always start with prepping my fruit and making sure I triple wash it. For the fruit with a thick skin (oranges, limes etc) I use a little scrub brush to make sure its really clean. I mean this is going into our water right.

  I also poke small holes into my fruit to help the infusion process( I hope that's a word) lol

My Flavored Waters

1. Strawberry and Mint
2.Cucumber Lemon
3.Orange Lime 
4. Strawberry Orange 
5.Cucumber Strawberry 
6. Mint Lemon 

I fill my mason jars with ice then I add the fruit. You can also use any cup or jar or water container. After I add water and close it up. 
Allow your water to sit for 30minutes to an hour to let those wonderful flavors really infuse.

You'll be left with these delicious waters, that taste amazing and perfect for summer!
P.S. The strawberries may tint your water a little

Until Next Time

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