My Dental Hygiene Routine | Braces

Sunday, May 6, 2018

One thing I love, are pearly white, clean teeth. They just make me so happy! A clean, bright smile will light up your entire day. For me it does! Your dental hygiene routine changes a bit when you have braces. Flossing becomes...well a challenge I will say. But I found so many helpful products and tools that make dental hygiene a breeze.


Lets start with the most challenging, FLOSSING! I use a water flosser and also dental floss specifically designed for braces.

I use the water flosser first. It gets rid of any food that may be stuck in your brackets and it feels amazing on my gums. I will say, if you use it, start on the lowest level first and work your way to 10. It can make your gums a little sore if you go in full speed. Now that I've been using it for over a year I only use the 10 speed.

These are the coolest flossers I've ever seen. Hence their name is SUPERfloss. They have a pointed plastic end for easy access into your braces and under your gums. These have been a life saver and they make flossing 5 times faster.

Tooth Brush

I switch between my electric Oral B Toothbrush and my new Bamboo Woobamboo (Natural) Toothbrush. Both I love, It just depends on my mood and how my teeth look, and feel.

Tooth Paste

I like Dr Bronners Toothpaste. Its not to strong and doesn't have a whitening agent. Which I try to avoid until I get my braces off.

Mouth Wash

I use this mouth wash because It does an amazing job at keeping your breath fresh for hours.
Thera Breath Mouth Wash 

Remember To Keep Those Teeth Clean And Bright!!

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