Create Your Own Keepsake Box!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Does anyone have a keepsake box? I do, and I love it. I keep all of my important things in there, that I want to remember. From small gifts from my past students (FYI: I use to be a preschool teacher) To thank you notes and just random knick knacks. I wanted to share with you how I organize my keepsake box and help you create your own if you don't have one.

A box that has a few of your favorite sentimental pieces is a great alternative than to having a garage or closet filled with just random achievements. I find that if you sort through and really look at what you have you'll find that most of those keepsakes you don't need.

Even though I keep letters or thank you notes, I often go through them when I receive a new one. Memories are important to all of us, but its also important to remember not every single memory can be saved in a box. and remember you always have the memory in your head. But saving those really important memories or something you want to pass down to your children is something worth saving.

I use this really cute and simple box from The Container Store. They come in many different sizes and they fit a nice amount of stuff. Of course knowing me, I went for the white option, because I just love the look of the white boxes.  Its very crisp and clean, but they also have other colors as well.

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More things in my keepsake box...

-Bead bracelets from my former students
-Cards and letters from parents, families and my students
-Id badges/plane tickets from important events

A keepsake box is sentimental to you, so gather things in there that are unique to your life and the memories you want to keep and look back on

Hope you enjoyed this post and let me know if you have a keepsake box and what things you put in there!

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