My Summer Time Moisturizers

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Hello Summer Time! And hello to any new readers I have out there! Welcome, Welcome! Today I'm talking "Summer Skin Care". I love the summer time, because my skin stays hydrated and glowing, for some strange reason. I'm not complaining about it, I LOVE IT. I do make sure I am always adding moisture into my skin whether its a cream moisturizer or an oil moisturizer . My skin is definitely an oil lover (coconut oil, almond, avocado) any oil. I say its always best to find out what your skin likes. And Yess! that may take some trial and error but its totally worth it and makes shopping much easier and enjoyable.
Most of the products I purchase are fragrance free, because anything that has fragrance as an ingredient is going to break me out in the long run. If the products have to many chemicals it also breaks me out, so I pretty much stick to oils and my basic moisturizers. Let me stop chit chatting and tell you about these products.

I'm going to start with my most recent buys and then go on to my Holy Grails (I guess you can say)

Pixi Overnight Glow Serum 

I've been using the pixi glow serum for about a month and a half and I like it. It gives me this hydrated glowing look before I go to bed at night and I wake up, rinse my face and I feel like a new women. It is definitely only a night time serum. I've tried to use it in the day time and I didn't like the way my face looked. I am one of those people that try everything, because I'm curious. I've also tried this serum before wearing makeup and it makes me so flaky and dry. So ONLY ONLY use it as a night time serum and wash your face in the morning. I also don't use it daily, maybe once a week or twice depending on my skin that week.

Murad (Hydro-Dynamic Ultimate Moisture Hydrant Intense Hrdro Dynamic)

I stumbled over Murad products when I was watching one of my favorite youtubers and she constantly raved over it and so of course I tried it. Let me tell you! Murad has changed my skin care routine. I'm going to save that for another post but I love Murad skin products. I use the hydrating moisturizer 80 percent of the time. It keeps my acne and breaks out away. Its light weight and keeps me hydrated into the next day. It is on the pricey side if you are on a budget. But I can't get enough of murad product and how they have transformed my skin.

Sweet Almond Oil or Avocado Oil

Like I mentioned before my skin and my hair DRINK UP OIL. My skin loves it and I don't know where I would be without it. I use oil at night and in the day time. I probably use oil for most of my moisturizing. I live in the desert and we have very dry heat, so adding oil to my skin really keeps it hydrated. I don't just use oil on my face, but also my body and nails and hair. It has truly been a life saver. It not only keeps my skin hydrated but also plump and soft. I have normal skin so oil doesn't make me shiny or break me out. My skin literally drinks it all in. If your skin is on the oily side I probably wouldn't recommend oil.

Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream

Cetaphil is the first drug store product that cleared up my acne and kept my skin clear. I always keep the body moisturizer handy because it has worked really well for a drug store moisturizer. I definitely don't use it as much as I use to, but I still really like it. I know it says "for body" but I use it on my face only, and I haven't had any issues with it. My favorite thing about it, is it keeps my face soft and hydrated and its fragrance free. And I love that.

Do you guys have any moisturizers you live by, I definitely would like to know. Let me know in the comments and if you want to stay connected Subscribe to my blog and lets be friends!!

Until Next Time XOXO

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