posts in DIY

A Simple Ikea Hack | Mid Century Modern Kallax

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I AM beyond excited at how this little DIY came out. I am currently in the process of creating the style I want in my space. Ive been pinning on pinterest like crazy trying to create the right inspiration. I love the mid century modern look. Its clean, simple, but also so much flare and excitement. This simple little DIY took maybe 15 minutes and adds a whole new look to my space.


I found the small furniture legs on amazon of course. And I got a great deal on them because I had so many amazon rewards points. [see those things really do come in handy] I will link where I got these below. They had many ariations of mid century modern table legs. I just went for a more neutral wood tone but they also have a dark wood tone as well.


Start by attaching the metal square anchors into the shelf. Next you will be able to screw on the legs. Super simple and easy to install. When I first got these I thought oh no the screw attacheted to the leg was to long, but no worries. The more you keep srewing the leg in the screw actually gets shorter because it just screws back into the leg.

I'm going for a mid century modern meets palm springs meets Arizona feel in my space. If you follow me on instagram you may have seen my mood board in a recent picture.  I found these really awesome cactus prints online just by googling "cactus palm springs free picture" They're great quality and they printed so smooth and glossy.

Everything that I tied into this space is all from the mood board. I wanted to incoporate different colors and textures.  Before my space was very white and simple but also had no definition. 
I love the way this simple DIY came out. I actually feel like I can do more. I hope you enjoyed it and send me pictures If you decide to spice up your ikea kallax.



Natural Refreshing Pillow Mist DIY

Saturday, July 7, 2018

A good nights sleep or even a nap is the best feeling ever! I like to clean my sheets and pillowcases weekly but I always like them to smell good. Instead of buying an expensive pillow mist I made a DIY one with a few natural ingredients.

Now for me essential oils are my can't live without product for anything natural. Pure essential oils are a much better alternative than synthetic fragrances that your not sure whats in them.

There are so many oils to choose from. My favorites at the moment are Lavender and Ylang Ylang. I've always been using lemongrass and grapefruit. My room pretty much smelt like a fresh fruit market for a while.



ESSENTIAL OIL (ANY SCENT YOU LIKE) *make sure the essential oil you purchase is pure 100% oil NOT SYNTHETIC

Fill your bottle with more than half way with distilled water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oils or combinations 



Spring Inspired Orange Body Scrub | DIY

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Spring and summer are my favorite times to break out the body scrubs. My skin tends to be more vibrant and glowing in the summer so taking this extra step of exfoliating makes my skin that much more hydrated.
I've used store bough scrubs, but making your own is much more cost efficient and you can find most of this in your house.
I have a whole box of essential oils as well as other oils that I use for my hair and skin (coconut oil etc)

Lets See what you'll need:

Coconut Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Jojoba Oil
Vitamin E Oil
Sugar (Brown or White)
A Small Jar
Orange Essential Oil Or Lemon Essential Oil ( Add desired drops)

Mix The Sugar and oils together until you like the texture.Add more oil if you like it softer and less oil if you like more granules.

Enjoy Your Orange Scented Body Scrub!

Create Your Own Keepsake Box!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Does anyone have a keepsake box? I do, and I love it. I keep all of my important things in there, that I want to remember. From small gifts from my past students (FYI: I use to be a preschool teacher) To thank you notes and just random knick knacks. I wanted to share with you how I organize my keepsake box and help you create your own if you don't have one.

A box that has a few of your favorite sentimental pieces is a great alternative than to having a garage or closet filled with just random achievements. I find that if you sort through and really look at what you have you'll find that most of those keepsakes you don't need.

Even though I keep letters or thank you notes, I often go through them when I receive a new one. Memories are important to all of us, but its also important to remember not every single memory can be saved in a box. and remember you always have the memory in your head. But saving those really important memories or something you want to pass down to your children is something worth saving.

I use this really cute and simple box from The Container Store. They come in many different sizes and they fit a nice amount of stuff. Of course knowing me, I went for the white option, because I just love the look of the white boxes.  Its very crisp and clean, but they also have other colors as well.

School Projects and Report Cards Are Important To Me, So I Have A few of My Elementary School Booklets/Projects And Report Cards

More things in my keepsake box...

-Bead bracelets from my former students
-Cards and letters from parents, families and my students
-Id badges/plane tickets from important events

A keepsake box is sentimental to you, so gather things in there that are unique to your life and the memories you want to keep and look back on

Hope you enjoyed this post and let me know if you have a keepsake box and what things you put in there!

Sparkly New Years Eve Head Band!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Ahhhh I could scream right now! New Years is literally around the corner, like its here everyone. I'm so happy about 2018 and I have no idea why really. I'm just really excited for it. I made this really cute and festive headband last minute because I wanted something sparkly to add to my hair but  what? hmmmm Ummm a sparkling headband duh.

This headband is super easy to make and you can make bunch of them for your friends.

You Will Need.

Hot Glue Gun or
E600 Glue (hot glue gun works better in my opinion)
A stretchy headband or a standard headband
Small foam sparkly balls
Large Pan to stretch headband over

Make sure the headband is stretched while you glue the balls on or you will be left with gaps when you put it on

*If any glue gets on your pan, use dawn dish soap let it soak and rub off with your finger

Let it dry completely which should only take maybe 5 minutes with a hot glue gun

Whos' Ready For Some New Years Fun! 
2018 Here We Come!!!!!

Mixed Berry Yogurt Bar Pops

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ahhhh Summer is Almost Over! Can you believe it?? Well ..summer may be almost over but I have a sweet treat to share with you today! I'm such lover of sweet things! I like anything sweet, especially yogurt bars. I always buy the ones from the store (that are in the ice cream section) but then after reading the ingredients I thought, well... I could probably make my own with the same items I make my smoothies with. Which is what I did. I made these super super simple yogurt bars. And of course after I make them I go on pinterest and find even more awesome recipes for yogurt bars. Which I will definitely be using in the future, But I am very happy and proud of my little bars and they taste so delicious. Perfect for this heat that we currently have in Arizona.

You Will Need

Chobani Vanilla Greek Yogurt
Mixed Frozen Berries (Or Fresh Berries)
Optional: Splash Of Milk

I like to start with mixing my honey and berries. I love coating the berries in honey, so that I know there sweet and tasty for when me mix everything together.
(its like salting you pasta before adding the salt)

Mix It ALL UP! You Can taste it and add a little more honey if you would like. 

Fill Up Your Popsicle Trays (Yesss! this can get a little messy, but it taste so yummy....licks spoon)

Once its all done, pop it in the freezer over night and enjoy!!!

Check Out More Of Chobani's Delicious Flavors Here------->

DIY Sparkling Glitter Box

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

I have such an obsession/ love for decorative boxes. I use them all the time to keep organized. The decorative box section is always first on my list when I go shopping. I always see some of the most adorable ones in the stores, so I thought why not DIY my own. I love glitter! I know for some people it drives them crazy, not me, I love it. It reminds me of such a happy sparkly place.

What You Need:
Elmer's Spray Adhesive 
Plain Box 

 The Elmer's Spray Adhesive, is a really good spray adhesive, I've used this for other fun projects in the past and its definitely a good one.

Of course you can't make a Glitter Box without Glitter. I purchased this huge pack from target. I loved it because of all the colors it had, and PLUS the bottles are glass, so totally {reusable!!!}

I purchased this plain white photo box from Joann's Fabrics. 

 Lets Get Started...
1. Make sure you cover your surface, you don't want glue everywhere!!
2. Spray a thin layer of Elmer's Spray Adhesive on the top portion of the box lid
*You may want to wear gloves, I didn't and lets just say my hands were filled with glitter. #lessonlearned

3. Gently and lightly sprinkles the glitter on top (make sure you don't pile on to much glitter at a time, it will create clumps, trust me)

Don't forget to spray and glitter the edges as well

4. I let the first layer dry for about 30minutes to an hour, I like to make sure the glue is really dry and set. Then if you want a more dramatic look you can add a second layer of glitter.

5. I spray the finished look with the Elmer's Adhesive Spray to set in all the glitter, and let this dry for an hour or longer.
*Be sure to shake of any extra glitter to prevent clumping.

When your finished your left with this beautiful sparkling glitter box!!

Hope you enjoyed this DIY

Until Next Time XOXO

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