My Love/Hate Relationship With Technology

Friday, July 27, 2018

I was recently asked the question will I be upgrading my phone. And my first response was NO! before I could even think about it the answer was no. That question had me thinking of all the reasons I love technology and also why I hate it.  I use my IPhone for normal everyday phone use. Work calls, personal call (Mostly texts because I'm not a fan of phone conversations) Social media and emails.

I have a love/ hate relationship with technology because I know of all the good it does and how convenient it is. I can transfer money between accounts on bank apps. I can quickly respond to emails and have 24/7 access to people, friends etc. Social media in itself can be full time job for some people. Technology has come so far and has advanced so much, it's hard not to love it and be around it all the time. It has become a permanent part in our lives. Checking your phone when you wake up before checking on your family is a normal in our society. And I'm not counting myself out of it. Just and observation.

But on the opposite side It is so impersonal. I just notice the lack of real life communication because of technology. Everything is so online based and we have access to peoples personal lives 24/7 and I don't think that's healthy.

A personal life should be just that personal. If you choose to have a blog and share parts of your home, life, etc then that's Great! I'm all for it, but seeing all the gossip blogs and just junk is just ridiculous.

I love social media and all the wonders of technology but I do miss the personal relationships and skills that were developed without it.

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