Reusing Beauty Bags | Wall Decor

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Hey There Friends!
I know many of us probably have a lot of stored bags in our closet. I love to keep mine and reuse them around the house or to carry things. I decided to do a little DIY Today on the blog and show you how I made these super easy  beauty bags for wall decor. If you love Sephora and all things beauty like I do, then you know how fast you can rack up some of these bags. I still have a whole box filled (shhhhh) Dont judge me. They make really good bags for carrying small things and also lets admit it there so cute.

The first thing I needed was of course my small bags. The smaller the better in my opinion, they stay on the wall better and it's also better to use the sturdy Sephora bags they give you not the plastic thin ones.I used both in the picture just to show you the difference. Pink also has great bags. I have so many of them just from collecting overtime. Of course I had to choose the best looking ones though. I use these bags for tons of things. Holding my lunch, carrying things from the car (light products) I also use them for holding my change believe it or not and they work really well. I've never had a bag break on me (fingers crossed)

You can use thumb tacks to hang up the bags but the down side to that is they don't  hold the bag flush against the wall. I used these easy picture frame command hooks and put 2 on the back of the bag to make sure they stay.

Then I added my favorite flowers. I picked up both sets of flowers at Joann's Fabrics but they also have so many flowers at Michael's Craft Store as well as the dollar store. but if you go to a craft store they definitely will have more of a selection for flowers and they last longer In my opinion.

You may need to cut the stems of your flowers to fit nicely in the bag.When your done you'll have this amazing wall decor that's perfect for the office or just your room. I even think it would be cute in a teenagers room.   

Hope you enjoyed!

Until next time xoxo

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