July Goal + Ongoing Change | No Meat | Plant Based

Saturday, June 30, 2018

I'm doing it guys! I'M GOING PLANT BASED!! A few months ago I started my lifestyle change with food and I was doing great, and somewhere down the line I fell off. I started eating burgers and chicken again and I've gained so much weight. But that's all changing because I doing it all the way through this time. For the entire month of July I going plant based. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit, so if I can get through 21 days I'm sure I can carry this out for hopefully the rest of my life.

Why Am I going plant based?

I have been so stuffy and just draggy ever since I stopped eating plant based. I want to have energy again and I want to see this weigh drop off. I don't think meat is bad I just think it works well with others and for me it doesn't. There are so many other foods that contain protein and nutrients meat gives you and I'm so excited to share them

My mother has been a vegetarian for over 20 years now and has so much experience with vegetarian dishes and foods and what can keep your body healthy and strong.

I am so excited for this journey in my life and I can't wait to take you all along with me. I'm still eating butter, cheese eggs, milk because I think they are an essential part of growing and sustaining your body.

June Ipsy Glam Bag & Review

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

This is my second time getting my Ipsy glam bag I also got the may package and really liked it, so when I received the second I thought I should do an honest review of how I like it. I think if you like getting small products to try before committing to a large purchase then this is right for you. I like that the items are small, so they can travel with me and also it gives me enough time to decide if I like it. I've enjoyed not having to buy a new mascara since ordering my ipsy glam bag because I received one in my may issue.

I am no, Beauty Blogger but I love skin care and cute lip colors and anything in between. I always thought the ipsy glam bag was only for makeup artist or girls who wear make up often. Come to find out I was totally wrong. When I went on their website, your bag is custom to the things you like. If you prefer skin care, masks, lip colors, skin tone etc. I was in total shock, how cool is that. My favorite part is everything is small and can travel with you everywhere, which comes in handy. And the best part if you like it, you can always purchase a full size product. Test before you commit to any product is always the best idea first.


The first thing I got was this cute little perfume, that smells amazing! I always get worried with scents because you never know what it will smell like on you but I really liked it and it travels in my purse with me everywhere. Lets be honest you never know when you might need a little refreshing.

I love a good hydrating lip balm especially one that smells like mint. This lip balm is very soft and the scent is very light.

I'm not always a big fan of nail polish, but I have to say this color is so pretty! You guys know I love my neutrals so I was very happy when I saw they sent this to me.

When It comes to blush I can be a little picky because whatever  I use on my skin I want it to look the best and natural. I tried this blush on and it was very light and reminded me of a highlighter. Probably great for a summer glow look. The one thing I do love is this blush is vegan and gluten free!

This is actually my first mac product ever! crazy right, or maybe not. I've just never tried mac products in general. This is a pretty lip gloss over a nice lip stick with maybe a little eye liner. I'm such a simple girl that plain gloss or chap stick works for me. Definitely on a night/day out this would be a nice lip bonus.

If your more curious about ipsy check out their website link and maybe try it for a month. Enjoy!

My Minimalist Journey/ Am I A Minimalist?

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Hello everyone! I hope your all doing well. I wanted to start off by talking about how I found out what minimalism is. and then go a little more into do I consider myself a minimalist?

I was searching on google and pinterest and youtube looking for white simple room ideas. I was definitely looking for a change visual wise. I felt I had pointless things in my space that just accumulated over time. I was already into organizing and de-cluttering so when I was searching I wanted simplicity.

I came across a youtube video by Matt D'Avella who is the director of the documentary minimalism. I watched the minimalist film maker video and just wanted to learn more, so of course I watched the minimalist documentary on netflix and I was shocked.

I guess I never realized how much we just waste, whether it's time, money, objects, prducts etc. We just waste a lot. After the documentary I started looking up more people and learning more in general about our space and health and environment. So for the past year I have been working on my life and figuring out the important things and cleaning out my space and trying to (emphasis on trying) to limit the things I buy to things I need or love.

I wouldn't say...

I'm not a minimalist, because I consider myself one. I think there are so many ways you can be a minimalist it's not just about the space you create around you, but also about what you are eating and thinking and how you live your life. Me liking and creating a simple space and choosing a more simple clothing style that's just my personal preference. I still love and always wear stripes and flowers because it's my life and there is no set way to live it.

My space

Is my sanctuary, and It's very important to me.My space is where I wake up and rest and read and live. I've incorporated real living plants that create oxygen and clean out the air and white walls because they symbolize purity and happiness for me. I am slowly coming into more of an understanding of everything around me and how it affects me but also the world around me.

I am so excited to share more of my life and space with you and have you come on this fun journey of life with me.

4 Tips On Finding Your Personal Style / Wardrobe

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Figuring out your personal style and what fits you sometimes can be a challenge! I've found that over the years I've always gravitated towards colors and vibrant shades. I was the girl in high school with the pink skinny jeans. When It came to fashion I had definitely had no fashion sense but i wore what I liked.

As I've gotten older, I have faded out of wanting colored skinny jeans. I love my neutrals and creams and blues. Those are just the colors and shades I love. Don't get me wrong, every know and then I love a pop of color! With that being said if your struggling with defining your personal style and what color scheme you like. Then hopefully these 4 tips will help you decide.

Tip 1.
Find out what colors you wear on a daily basis. If you constantly find yourself in a certain color scheme that's probably what you feel most comfortable wearing.

Tip 2. 
Start a pinterest board of all the outfit ideas you like. You will be surprised on trends you may notice you gravitate towards. This will give you an idea of your personal style.

Tip 3. 
Use you pinterest ideas to shop your outfits. If I notice an outfit I like (ex. gray sweatshirt and black pants) The next time I go shopping, I'm going to start looking for gray sweatshirts or shirts and black bottoms.

Tip 2. 
By finding out what color palette you like, you make shopping 10 times easier. You might not even pick up a black shirt if you know you love colors or vise versa. Knowing what colors and style you like can really cut down excess spending on clothes you will not ever wear.

Always wear what makes you comfortable and confident!!!


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