My Dental Hygiene Routine | Braces

Sunday, May 6, 2018

One thing I love, are pearly white, clean teeth. They just make me so happy! A clean, bright smile will light up your entire day. For me it does! Your dental hygiene routine changes a bit when you have braces. Flossing becomes...well a challenge I will say. But I found so many helpful products and tools that make dental hygiene a breeze.


Lets start with the most challenging, FLOSSING! I use a water flosser and also dental floss specifically designed for braces.

I use the water flosser first. It gets rid of any food that may be stuck in your brackets and it feels amazing on my gums. I will say, if you use it, start on the lowest level first and work your way to 10. It can make your gums a little sore if you go in full speed. Now that I've been using it for over a year I only use the 10 speed.

These are the coolest flossers I've ever seen. Hence their name is SUPERfloss. They have a pointed plastic end for easy access into your braces and under your gums. These have been a life saver and they make flossing 5 times faster.

Tooth Brush

I switch between my electric Oral B Toothbrush and my new Bamboo Woobamboo (Natural) Toothbrush. Both I love, It just depends on my mood and how my teeth look, and feel.

Tooth Paste

I like Dr Bronners Toothpaste. Its not to strong and doesn't have a whitening agent. Which I try to avoid until I get my braces off.

Mouth Wash

I use this mouth wash because It does an amazing job at keeping your breath fresh for hours.
Thera Breath Mouth Wash 

Remember To Keep Those Teeth Clean And Bright!!

Spring Inspired Orange Body Scrub | DIY

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Spring and summer are my favorite times to break out the body scrubs. My skin tends to be more vibrant and glowing in the summer so taking this extra step of exfoliating makes my skin that much more hydrated.
I've used store bough scrubs, but making your own is much more cost efficient and you can find most of this in your house.
I have a whole box of essential oils as well as other oils that I use for my hair and skin (coconut oil etc)

Lets See what you'll need:

Coconut Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Jojoba Oil
Vitamin E Oil
Sugar (Brown or White)
A Small Jar
Orange Essential Oil Or Lemon Essential Oil ( Add desired drops)

Mix The Sugar and oils together until you like the texture.Add more oil if you like it softer and less oil if you like more granules.

Enjoy Your Orange Scented Body Scrub!

My Mini Staycation At Element Hotels

Saturday, April 7, 2018

I have to say my mini staycation at Element Hotels has by far been my favorite! If you didn't know I am so obsessed with Hotels (nice, clean hotels that is) I love knowing I can go to a place and relax with all accommodations made for me.

When I think of a staycation I want to feel like I'm in a mini resort, spa etc. I basically just dont want to feel like I'm at home.  Element Hotels made me feel right in my {element} how fitting right. Right when I came in, I knew I was gonna love the place. The smell, cleanliness and overall appearance caught my eye.

I love neutral bright colors with cool wood tones, which is exactly their color scheme. I stayed at the Element in chandler, Arizona, but they have so many accommodating locations all over the U.S.

Relaxation Time

For me this particular stay, I wanted to just unwind from the long week I had. So hitting the gym and relaxing watching a few movies was the highlight of my staycation. I also managed to have a little wine and keep it chilled in their full equipped kitchens.

The fact that I've stayed at this hotel a few times is a sign i may be a little to in love with it. I even had a surprise balloon filled shower for my birthday!

A simple breakfast is all I need

Check out more of what element hotels has to offer.

Element Hotels 

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Mango Strawberry Smoothie Bowl

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

I was thinking of adding in a fun food portion to the weekly blog posts. Recipe Wednesdays! Where I share small recipes I've been trying, with you. 
This week I'm sharing a delicious smoothie bowl recipe that taste amazing. love a good smoothie bowl. I can add crunch or salty toppings and still enjoy a smoothie. 
  • Frozen Mangos
  • Frozen Strawberries
  • Plain Greek Yogurt | I like plain yogurt so that I can sweeten my smoothie with a natural sweetener like maple syrup or honey 
  • Water | I use water because it's less fat than using a sugary juice or milk. It still taste amazing using water. TRUST ME! 
  • Maple Syrup | This is a good alternative for a natural sweetener. It doesn't have those added sugars and It also has great health benefits from Antioxidants to helps protect skin health.
  • Cinnamon | Cinnamon has so many health benefits from anti-inflammatory properties to may help lower cancer risks. Look up more benefits of cinnamon. And it adds a great taste 
Blend Together Your Base And Sweetener And Add Your Toppings!
  • Fresh Raspberries
  • Sunflower Seeds | Sunflower seeds are one of my favorite snacks. I love the crunch and the salty flavor it adds. 
  • Cinnamon 
  • Bananas Would also taste amazing with this 

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