A Simple Ikea Hack | Mid Century Modern Kallax

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I AM beyond excited at how this little DIY came out. I am currently in the process of creating the style I want in my space. Ive been pinning on pinterest like crazy trying to create the right inspiration. I love the mid century modern look. Its clean, simple, but also so much flare and excitement. This simple little DIY took maybe 15 minutes and adds a whole new look to my space.


I found the small furniture legs on amazon of course. And I got a great deal on them because I had so many amazon rewards points. [see those things really do come in handy] I will link where I got these below. They had many ariations of mid century modern table legs. I just went for a more neutral wood tone but they also have a dark wood tone as well.


Start by attaching the metal square anchors into the shelf. Next you will be able to screw on the legs. Super simple and easy to install. When I first got these I thought oh no the screw attacheted to the leg was to long, but no worries. The more you keep srewing the leg in the screw actually gets shorter because it just screws back into the leg.

I'm going for a mid century modern meets palm springs meets Arizona feel in my space. If you follow me on instagram you may have seen my mood board in a recent picture.  I found these really awesome cactus prints online just by googling "cactus palm springs free picture" They're great quality and they printed so smooth and glossy.

Everything that I tied into this space is all from the mood board. I wanted to incoporate different colors and textures.  Before my space was very white and simple but also had no definition. 
I love the way this simple DIY came out. I actually feel like I can do more. I hope you enjoyed it and send me pictures If you decide to spice up your ikea kallax.



How To Organize Your Accessories | Shades, Jewelry

Friday, August 17, 2018

It's the little things that make organizing so fufilling. Like taking a small tray and adding sunglasses! It's simple and you can see all your wonderful shades on display. If there is a way to add organization with asthetics I'm all for it. I found this small tray at target in the bathroom section. It actually came as a set with small bins on top of it. But I separted them and just used the tray.

Having my items on display helps me keep things at a miniumum, and only keep the things I need and love. There is nothing wrong with having more, but the question is do I need more. 

It goes to show you can take anything and turn it into an organization piece. Now for my jewlwery I think Ive talked about this before, but its a cute box system from the container store. Its heavy duty and acrylic. You can also add different levels or compartments to it. I'm fine with just my simple organizer/jewlery holder. (for now) I can't stay away from the container store. 


Turning 26 | I'm Not Sure What I Want In Life

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

This is the first time in my life that I can honestly say I don't know what I want. I am always the type of person to write down all of my goals and over time acomplish them. That's my motto, set a goal and achieve it. When I decided to get braces, when I decided I wanted a certain career with a certain job title. Those are all things I had planned for so long.

Usually around my birthday I have a lit of goals I'm working on and I don't have one. It seems like I'm just stuck. I'm not exactly set on what I want in life. It's crazy to think I'm turning 26, to some that might not be a big deal, but to me it is.

I am very happy and excited for my birthday but not like years in the past. This just feels different like another day is going to happen. Is that how it feels when you get older. I hope not because this is just such a weird thing for me.

I've tried multiple times of reading different books and trying to sit down and create a goal list but nothing comes to mind. I may think of a few and then 5 minutes later throw the paper out.

So with all that being said. I don't know what I want in life right now. There's nothing that is making  me excited or happy. On top of all of that, I don't know what I want to do about blogging.

Blogging to me was always a fun hobby I did on the weekends. Finding fun reciepes and doing simple lifestyle post made me so happy and fulfilled. But as of now I'm just not satisfied with my content or blogging in general. I love it don't get me wrong. I just don't know what to write about or what people are interested in and It's just a constant battle with what do I want to do.

If anyone is going through the same thing, maybe you have some tips on feeling revived again. For now I will just be taking a break and trying to figure out what it is that I want. Then maybe that will get some creative juices flowing.

How To Store Shoes In Your Closet | DIY Ikea Shelf

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Surprisingly I've never been the one to put my shoes on dispay. They were always at the bottom of my closet wither on a small shelf or in shoe bins. After displaying then and sorting through the shoes I wear and don't wear, I'm really glad I can open my closet and see them all in my face.

This makes getting dressed faster and It lets me know what shoes I have. Now if I decide to go shopping I know what shoes I want and may need. I even have two pairs of shoes I have yet to wear, because I bought them and put them in a shoe box.

I decided to spray paint this ikea shelf with a matte black spray paint. It originally comes in silver.

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