What I Learned In 2014!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

 I know I'm late but it's finally the new year Yay! Let me just start out by saying I have been having writers block ever since the new year, its like my brain reset or something! but I am so excited for whats to come in 2015!!! The process of coming up with new ideas and bringing them into existence is just so fun and fulfilling. I cant wait to bring out more of the creative side of me and just really make some great memories! My Blog is Truly like my outlet. I can express the things I like and the things I enjoy. I can be creative, and I get to open up a different side of me and that is why I love blogging. I hope this year is a great one filled with new experiences! I would like to share a few of the things I have learned in 2014. For me 2014 was a very personal year, but I had a lot of great experiences and learned a lot about myself. So grab some tea and kick your feet up, I kind of have a lot to say (smile).

Love for self- One of the most important things I have learned was "loving yourself" and I  don't mean just saying it, No! I mean truly saying and showing I love me and I'm important. I think we are all special people with special traits and qualities and in order to love you, you have to embrace those traits and qualities and really not care what others think of you. You will eventually attract the right people to fit you and your life.I feel so strongly that self love is the most important love. If you don't love you, you will eventually let people run over you or you wont have that confidence to go out there and pursue your dreams. This is the body and person you have to live with forever. So never forget about you:)

Coming Out of Your Shell- Coming out of my shell ,a little, has been another lesson I've learned in 2014. Sometimes we dought ourselves and forget to take a leap of faith and just go for whatever dreams we have, even if we fail. You know you were at least strong enough to try and branch out. Sometimes it's life experiences that force us to come out of our shell.

Finding what makes you happy- Blogging, Blogging , blogging. 2014 is when I started my blog and I am so extremely happy and thankful that I was able to find out how much I love blogging. Growing up I always wrote in a journal my thoughts, dreams and ideas and I feel so good when I get to blog, its like my personal outlet to life.

Growing takes time- Growing into the person your suppose to be takes time, it doesn't happen over night. Knowing that makes me feel alot better actually! Sometimes you feel like your not progressing as a person but when you look back on yourself and how you thought or how you look, you realize, yes I am growing and changing but everything is a process. The person you were in 2014 is not the same person your gonna be in 2015.  Which is why sometimes people from your past don't click with you because you are constantly growing and changing.

Retaliation is never the answer- This is a weird one for some but a very relatable one I think. We as humans have feelings and emotions and sometimes we think if someone does something to us we have to get them back we have to give them an eye for an eye. In all honesty no you don't. It's best to just get away from people who don't have your best intentions in mind. No one should ever cause you to be other than yourself. Why bring yourself to such a low level.

I learned I love cake and sweets a little to much!!
I learned I can spend hours organizing and cleaning (i'm a little OCD)
I learned I want to live In a colder climate one day
I learned I love trying new foods, its exciting!

Share with me some of the things you learned in 2014 in the comments below! xoxo <3

Last but not least I am so extremely thankful for the people who support me! I really am, even if you just read a blog post or subscribe to my blog or share a post or follow me on social networks. I am so thankful and happy for you all. You have no idea how much that means to me! The smallest things matter to me and I couldn't be more thankful. 

I am so looking forward to 2015!!!!!

Easy Kosher Rice Krispie Treat Shapes!

Friday, December 26, 2014

I was so excited about making Rice Krispes, because I haven't made any since junior high school. So I thought this Holiday Season would be the perfect time to make them for my family.

Recipe Ingredients:

Two 10oz Bags of Marshmallows | 1/2 Stick Of Butter | 4-6 Cups Of Rice Krispies

I found these Marshmallow's at the Kosher Market. I don't eat pork, so finding an alternative Marshmallow that doesn't have gelatin in it, is Great!( If your looking for a kosher market just Google local kosher markets in your city)

| Cooking |

Put your stove on LOW and SLOWLY melt the butter and marshmallows together. You will know when its done because the consistency will be smooth and creamy. 
** Be careful not to burn your marshmallows (take your time )

| Mixing |

After you pore in the marshmallows, start mixing everything together with a spatula. 
** Make sure you butter your spatula and mixing bowl to avoid sticking

| Shape |
| I first transferred my mixture into a pyrex dish to cool, then I started shaping them. |

I decided to make balls, but you can also use cookie cutters and make different shapes.

| Enjoy!:) |

Winter Plaid OOTD!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Heyyy Guys! Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday week! Here's my Outfit Of The Day from earlier today. I mixed plaid with checkered print, only because I felt a bit daring today. I even wore my favorite red lip stick by Rimmel London Kate. I was doing a little shopping so I wanted something comfy and not to complicated. Hope You enjoy!

 These Pants are definitely one of my favorites to wear. I love the look of them and they are so comfy.

I bought these boots over 2 years ago from "Ross Dress For Less" and I still where them, especially on rainy days.

 I am In love with the checkered black and white print on this scarf. It's very classic and can be worn with my different outfits or styles.

Outfit Details :

**unfortunately all of these pieces were purchased a while ago, so I do not have the links for them. But I did link the stores!:)

This or That Tag! (Free Spirit Friday)

Friday, December 19, 2014

I saw this really cute tag on Beauty Book Blog and thought it was just a fun tag to do for Free spirit Friday. 
So here it is :) Happy Friday!

Blush Or Bronzer?
I would have to say Blush! I like the look a nice soft peach or rose can change a persons look.

Lip Gloss or Lip Stick?
 Depends on the occasion, but on most days I would say lip gloss. When its time to go out lip stick! 

Eye Liner Or Mascara?

Foundation or Concealer?
Concealer, sometimes foundation can be a bit much for my taste.

Neutral Or Color Eye Shadow?

Pressed Or Loosed Eye Shadow?
 Pressed! It's a lot easier to handle

 OPI Or China Glaze?

Long Or Short?
Short, I like working with my hands and doing crafts so having long nails really gets in the way of that.

Acrylic Or Natural?

Bright Or Dark?

Flower Or No Flower?
No Flower, I like simple nails with just color. 

Perfume Or Body Spray?
 Perfume! Juicy Couture (My Favorite)

Lotion Or Body Butter?
 Body Butter is definitely my favorite to use.

Body Wash Or Soap?
 Body Wash (with added moisture)
LUSH Or Other Bath Companies?   
I like Lush for certain things, but I also like other bath companies as well. So I'm going to go with LUSH overall :)

 Jeans or Sweat Pants?
I love Jeans! 

Long or short sleeves?
I prefer long sleeves.

Dresses or skirts?
Dresses, they have so many styles and you can dress them so many ways.

Stripes or Plaid?

Flip Flops or Sandals?
Sandals!! So many styles and they are so cute and versatile.

Scarves or hats?
Scarves, I have an obsession with scarves especially the scarves from World Market

Studs or dangle earrings?
I go through cycles with earrings, but for the past year I have been loving STUDS!

Necklaces or Bracelets?
Bracelets, I do love my necklaces though

Jackets or Hoodies?

Curly or Straight?
This is a hard one but I'm going to say Curly

Bun or ponytail?

Bobby Pins or Butterfly Clips?
Bobby Pins of course!

Hair Spray or Hair Gel?
Hair Gel Works better for me

Long or Short hair?

Light or dark?

Side sweep or Full on bangs (fringe)?
Side sweep.

Up or Down?

Rain or Shine?
I love the rain!

Summer or Winter?
Summer. Even though it gets extremely hot in Arizona

Autumn or Spring?
Autumn for sure!!:)

Chocolate or Vanilla?

I hope you guys enjoyed today's free spirit Friday! I like doing tags :) Let me know in the comments some of your this or that's!

Until Next Time XOXO<3

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