Sparkly New Years Eve Head Band!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Ahhhh I could scream right now! New Years is literally around the corner, like its here everyone. I'm so happy about 2018 and I have no idea why really. I'm just really excited for it. I made this really cute and festive headband last minute because I wanted something sparkly to add to my hair but  what? hmmmm Ummm a sparkling headband duh.

This headband is super easy to make and you can make bunch of them for your friends.

You Will Need.

Hot Glue Gun or
E600 Glue (hot glue gun works better in my opinion)
A stretchy headband or a standard headband
Small foam sparkly balls
Large Pan to stretch headband over

Make sure the headband is stretched while you glue the balls on or you will be left with gaps when you put it on

*If any glue gets on your pan, use dawn dish soap let it soak and rub off with your finger

Let it dry completely which should only take maybe 5 minutes with a hot glue gun

Whos' Ready For Some New Years Fun! 
2018 Here We Come!!!!!

Actually Achieving Your Goal Can Be Scary

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Whether its weight loss, or that promotion you have been working towards, achieving a goal is one of the best feelings ever! But what happens after you have completed that goal and you have what you wanted?

Have you ever spent time working towards a goal and then you finally reach it, now what? It's a time when you start to realize you put your mind to something and actually achieved it. How Amazing is that right?!

I've recently had this realization and was wondering do other people have this. I reached a goal and now I feel like wow I did it, now what? Something that you could of been striving for is now here. Whether its a job, weight loss, etc. you reached that goal, now what?

I feel like once you reach your goal, you have so much more confidence. and you just want to achieve more. instead of staying in that position. Its like getting a  promotion and now your like wow I've worked so hard for this, but I want more,
does anyone else have that feeling?

The best feeling in life is completing a hard challenge that you put on yourself.

I do have to say reaching a goal is the best feeling in the world. Someone once said don't sulk about the loses and celebrate the wins. Your achievements are a part of your life good or bad. But its always amazing to reach those desired goals and feel accomplished.

let me know what or how you guys feel after you've reached a goal?

until next time!

New Year | New Space | New Decor Inspiration

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Well I Moved!! Yayyyy!! I love the space I moved to, it literally has so much space. I went from a smaller room with a larger closet, to a larger room with a smaller closet. But Hey, Beggers cants be choosers right, and I just cant get over this space and what I plan on doing with it. So today I wanted to share with you some ideas for the new space.

If your ever struggling to create the setting you want in your room. Look no further because Pinterest is your best friend!!! It has pages and pages of topics from life hacks to bedroom decor and food recipes. All under one roof from people just like you. If your ever in the need of a little inspiration. Pinterest is the key. Okay now on to my style.

I'm currently leaning towards more of a sleek white look, with touches of wood and texture. But still keeping my flare of {style me bright}  if you know what I mean. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE COLOR! but I may be leaning towards something different. We shall see.

I might just keep my bright white them with hints of color. But for now here is the inspiration I'm going for, but with a little color lol 

And as for now my bedroom and office are in the same space so I want a style that can mesh with both my sleeping area as well as my working area. But maybe down the line I'll create a super colorful office!! That's definitely a plan in the works. 


I love the bright white, with hints of gray and wood



Let me know in the comments if there were any styles you really liked!! I would love to know

Are You A Morning Person?

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Mornings are my favorite part of the day! I love waking up early and seeing the sun come up and the birds chirping (as cliche as that sounds lol) It's just a beautiful time of day.

Sleeping in makes me feel so unproductive!! And I HATE that feeling. I feel more tired then I did before I even went to sleep. My body is always super drained and I feel like my morning passed me by.

I love my mornings! They are peaceful and it has a different feeling than In the afternoon. Through out the work week I wake up at 5am everyday. So when the weekend rolls around I feel bad sleeping past 8am. Its such a different feeling waking up early and getting your day started. Even if its just going to dutch bros and grabbing coffee. (I love dutch bros haha)

I also feel like we should make the most out of our days and by doing that is, WAKING UP EARLY! Making good use of your daylight is the greatest feeling. Then when night comes you can relax, go out to eat, whatever you want.

I find myself more productive during the daylight hours. Mornings are usually the time when I run errands, because the stores are not crowded. I wash my car, grocery shop etc. I just enjoy my mornings so much more than I did a few years ago.

Are you a morning person or a night person?

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