Just a Monthly Check-In/ Accomplishing Goals

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hey Guys,

I hope everyone had an Eventful New Years and Holiday Break. It's officially the end of January and we are now in the second month of 2017. Can You Believe It! I know time is flying by already, well at least for me it is. I've realized in the past I don't like "new years resolutions". I would rather say I have "these set of goals" I want to accomplish in the new year. Its just a personal preference. A lot of the time we are reaching for a goal for an entire year with out realizing you may need small goals first in order to accomplish the larger goal.

I honesty spent all of January re-evaluating my life and what direction I want to take it in. I had to sit down with myself and say "Look, if you want to accomplish this goal you have to complete these smaller goals first" I began to feel less over whelmed and more calm and at peace with starting a new year. 

Soooo, I came here today just to share a little insight into what has been going on in my life and share with you a few of my own goals to hopefully get you started on yours.

My main goal this year was to, start a project and finish through. I love taking on new tasks and what I found out about myself is I can get over whelmed quickly and just drop everything and pretty much go on hiatus. I had to really prioritize what was important in my life and take steps to reach my end goal.

Everyday I assign myself one task to do before I go to bed that is going to help me reach my goal. At the end of the week I look back on my tasks and say did I do everything I could do for that week that is going to help me progress to my goal. If Not... the next week I change my tasks to meet my goal.

Here's an example if your New Years Goal is to travel Out of the Country. You first Goal should be I need a passport. Then you would follow up to the steps it takes to get a passport.
  • Get a Passport picture taken
  • Apply for a passport
  • Research the cost of the passport
  • Research the country you want to visit etc
I've found that its a lot easier to have a larger goal then break that goal down into smaller goals that are easily obtained.

I hope this helps with anyone that may be struggling with life goals. My ultimate plan is to be more consistent on my blog and share more content with my readers.

Until Next Time XOXO

DIY Peppermint Lip Scrub

Monday, December 26, 2016

Hello There! I know winter time is here and during the winter we tend to be a bit more dry. Our skin needs a little bit more care. But don't worry, today I'm going to show you a simple recipe for peppermint lip scrub. I love using lip scrubs and I never thought to just make my own using the ingredients in my Kitchen. Its really a very simple process and the scrub lasts about a week or 2 depending on how long you want to keep it. This is a great idea for giving a gift or just as a treat for yourself.
What you will need is?

1. Sugar (Raw)
2. Olive Oil or Coconut Oil (or any oil you like)
3. Peppermint Essential Oil
4. Vegetable Glycerine
5. Small Jars 
6. Candy Canes (Optional)
7. Food Coloring (Optional)
8. Twine or Jar Labels

I found these really small jars at The Container Store and they come in many different sizes. They are great for DIY Projects or storing small goods.

First you want to gather all of your ingredients and mix them in a small bowl together.

For the next step you are going to finely crush up your candy cane

For an added bonus you can add some pretty food coloring, of any color you like to spice up your scrub.

 Now Pack them up and enjoy! I hope you enjoyed this easy fun DIY. It will have your house smelling like peppermint (which is a great thing)
ps. Thank you to my wonderful niece for helping me with this DIY

Until Next Time XOXO

DIY Book of Quotes and Inspiration

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

I know we all love giving gifts and receiving them, and during this time of year I know a lot of people love giving gifts. In all reality you don't have to go to the store and max out your credit card giving people gifts. Gifts from the heart are definitely my favorite. Creating something with your hands and really knowing the person you are giving the gift to is much more thoughtful and heartwarming. I have a gift idea for you today that I hope you love.

 I created a "quotes book" filled with inspirational quotes that I feel the person would love or quotes that have helped me in my life. These quotes can be religious or just quotes you live by or quotes from your favorite author or your own quotes.

I found this gift to be so caring and thoughtful to have a personalized notebook filled with love and a true connection to your loved ones. What I love most able this gift idea is you can personalize the saying to fit the persons lifestyle. If you know someone who is struggling with a personal issue or someone who wants to give up on a dream. You can fill their notebook with individual personalized quotes. Just talking about it makes me so happy! I really hope you give someone a special sentimental gift from the heart this year, because you never know who may need it. Always remember a gift doesn't always have to be bought sometimes gifts from the heart are the best gift.

Tips on having a Productive Work Week

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Hey Hey There! Long time no see. Well let's put all that aside because today I'm talking{ all } about having a productive work week. I know finding that motivation to prepare for a new work week can be draining (for some) AKA me. but with a few simple preparations it will be a piece of cake. I like to start early on Sunday mornings, I feel more productive when my day starts between 7-9am. I definitely try not to procrastinate (remember the more you put off today the more you have to do through out the week)

I usually like to start with my weekly planning || I plan out all the things I may have due [ bills etc] or things I have to get done [ washing clothes, answering emails, clean my car etc] Luckily for me my planner comes with a printed out schedule for easy planning. I like to set a goal of 3 productive outcomes for the week and 3 productive outcomes for the day.

After I get all of my planning done I get to work. First on the list | Washing Clothes | I prefer to get all my washing done on Sunday or Saturday so that when the new work week rolls around I'm all set and prepared || And who doesn't love the smell of freshly washed laundry.

Plan your meals and grocery shop || I use this super helpful grocery shopping list through out the week, that way I know exactly what foods I need. It also makes meal planning a lot easier.

 Pick out your outfits. This may be an extra step but it definitely helps in the long wrong on those days you may be in a hurry. I like to pick out and iron my clothes in advance for a stress free easy morning.

Clean your house and your car. This is probably my favorite thing to do. I love having a clean, fresh car come Monday morning. It makes my drives my peaceful actually. Having a clean house when you wake up in the morning is also another icing on the cake. My day doesn't feel fulfilling if I wake up with cl- udder all around me.

Drink plenty of water. This may not seem like a big process but drinking water through out the day keeps you hydrated and refreshed.

Remember to check and respond to emails. This may be one of those dreadful tasks but keeping a clean organized inbox makes you feel better and keeps your on track and productive. I know I hate those days you wait a whole week to check your email and you may have 1,000 unread emails in your inbox. Then you feel overwhelmed and stressed. I advice you check and respond to emails daily.

 My last tip of the day is to take 20mins to an hour to just meditate and dedicate time to yourself to write down your thoughts to just clear your mind. Just grab some tea and find a nice quiet spot all to yourself.

Get plenty of Rest, Relax and Enjoy your Sunday!!

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