DIY Peppermint Lip Scrub

Monday, December 26, 2016

Hello There! I know winter time is here and during the winter we tend to be a bit more dry. Our skin needs a little bit more care. But don't worry, today I'm going to show you a simple recipe for peppermint lip scrub. I love using lip scrubs and I never thought to just make my own using the ingredients in my Kitchen. Its really a very simple process and the scrub lasts about a week or 2 depending on how long you want to keep it. This is a great idea for giving a gift or just as a treat for yourself.
What you will need is?

1. Sugar (Raw)
2. Olive Oil or Coconut Oil (or any oil you like)
3. Peppermint Essential Oil
4. Vegetable Glycerine
5. Small Jars 
6. Candy Canes (Optional)
7. Food Coloring (Optional)
8. Twine or Jar Labels

I found these really small jars at The Container Store and they come in many different sizes. They are great for DIY Projects or storing small goods.

First you want to gather all of your ingredients and mix them in a small bowl together.

For the next step you are going to finely crush up your candy cane

For an added bonus you can add some pretty food coloring, of any color you like to spice up your scrub.

 Now Pack them up and enjoy! I hope you enjoyed this easy fun DIY. It will have your house smelling like peppermint (which is a great thing)
ps. Thank you to my wonderful niece for helping me with this DIY

Until Next Time XOXO

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