Tips on having a Productive Work Week

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Hey Hey There! Long time no see. Well let's put all that aside because today I'm talking{ all } about having a productive work week. I know finding that motivation to prepare for a new work week can be draining (for some) AKA me. but with a few simple preparations it will be a piece of cake. I like to start early on Sunday mornings, I feel more productive when my day starts between 7-9am. I definitely try not to procrastinate (remember the more you put off today the more you have to do through out the week)

I usually like to start with my weekly planning || I plan out all the things I may have due [ bills etc] or things I have to get done [ washing clothes, answering emails, clean my car etc] Luckily for me my planner comes with a printed out schedule for easy planning. I like to set a goal of 3 productive outcomes for the week and 3 productive outcomes for the day.

After I get all of my planning done I get to work. First on the list | Washing Clothes | I prefer to get all my washing done on Sunday or Saturday so that when the new work week rolls around I'm all set and prepared || And who doesn't love the smell of freshly washed laundry.

Plan your meals and grocery shop || I use this super helpful grocery shopping list through out the week, that way I know exactly what foods I need. It also makes meal planning a lot easier.

 Pick out your outfits. This may be an extra step but it definitely helps in the long wrong on those days you may be in a hurry. I like to pick out and iron my clothes in advance for a stress free easy morning.

Clean your house and your car. This is probably my favorite thing to do. I love having a clean, fresh car come Monday morning. It makes my drives my peaceful actually. Having a clean house when you wake up in the morning is also another icing on the cake. My day doesn't feel fulfilling if I wake up with cl- udder all around me.

Drink plenty of water. This may not seem like a big process but drinking water through out the day keeps you hydrated and refreshed.

Remember to check and respond to emails. This may be one of those dreadful tasks but keeping a clean organized inbox makes you feel better and keeps your on track and productive. I know I hate those days you wait a whole week to check your email and you may have 1,000 unread emails in your inbox. Then you feel overwhelmed and stressed. I advice you check and respond to emails daily.

 My last tip of the day is to take 20mins to an hour to just meditate and dedicate time to yourself to write down your thoughts to just clear your mind. Just grab some tea and find a nice quiet spot all to yourself.

Get plenty of Rest, Relax and Enjoy your Sunday!!

Movie Night Anyone? [Easy DIY Movie Banner]

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Hey there? I know I know I've been in hibernation for a while,  Is it just me or are movie nights the best thing ever created. I'm not always a fan of going out to the movie theaters, sometimes I enjoy being a homebody with a couple of good chick flicks. My favorite movie of all time is the Devil Wears Prada. Ahhh Meryl Shreep is such an amazing actress. What are some of your favorite chick flicks? Okay Okay enough chit chat, I have a cute DIY to spice up your movie night decor. Because, what is movie night without decorations, fun snacks, and amazing company :) 

For the Movie Banner, I used a few materials that you can find at your local  craft store or around the house. 

Everything You Will Need

1. Rope or String (just something that you can use to look through)
2. Go online and print out a pattern you like. I chose the red and white stripes theme.
3. Go on Microsoft Word and create a shape them type your words in them. I spelled out Movie Night. You can always buy store bought letters also
4. Glue Stick or Regular Glue or Tape

Start out by...
Cutting out your letters (and your paper if need) Glue your letters in place and then begin to glue. After hole punch the top to thread the string through the top.

Loop the string through both holes and your done, Simple right :)

Now onto the snacks, Choose your favorite snacks and bag them up for your friends!!!



My New Found Joys!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Since I've been on this journey to finding myself I have really found joy in Inspiration/Detox Books. These books basically help give you inspiration to challenge yourself a little more. You can write in it or take some of their ideas for everyday inspiration . I usually like to go through mine first thing in the morning to get my day started and to see if there is anything new I can try. We all have those days when were not feeling out best but we still need to keep pushing forward. Right? These books are great ways to write down your thoughts and goals and reach them. [daily goals that is].

The first book I want to talk about is called starting today a journal of intention and change. This book/journal is a way for you to take steps in changing bad habits or taking a different approach to a situation and every section starts out with starting today i will.... This was the first book I purchased and I write in it everyday and it really does bring me peace when I accomplish those things. Somethimes they are the smallest of things like, today I will ask questions, very simple things that you may have a hard time doing. You write about whatever it is that you want to accomplish.

This book is also filled with little ideas to complete everyday! 

The second book I want talk about is unplug everyday 365 ways to log off and live better. This book is filled with so many ideas to get out of your comfort zone and see the world a different way. Sometimes we all have a routine and we follow that routine daily. Work, school, gym home, but getting out of a routine is a good way to expand your mind. As much as we love social media it really has diminished the face to face interaction with people. This is a great way to still keep that social interaction and take risks to step out of your comfort zone.

I hope you enjoy some of these books because I know I really do and If I find anymore that are just as exciting to me, I'll share them with you

until next time xoxo

What is Success?....

Well...Its currently 2:27am as I'm writing this. Why am I awake you ask? Mostly because I have a million thoughts running through my mind, but the one I want to talk about is Success! and what does it mean to be successful. I'm going through all these images of multi million dollar homes on my computer and my mind can't grasp what I would do if I could afford something like that.

We all want success but in what form money, friendship, love life, education, career or is success to us when we have all of those things. I think that we are molded to think that success means physical things and people who worship you (like having fans). Don't get me wrong I'm sure that is an incredible feeling to have so many people look up to you but at the end of the day what is success with just yourself.

I think its finding self fulfillment and finding things in life that you enjoy. I thinks its doing things that take your mind to a positive place and surrounding yourself with like minded people. but the key is finding that hidden success within yourself and creating a life that you enjoy. That could mean if you love to travel, take the time to travel and see the world and make arrangements in life for it. I don't ever want to get stuck in the mind set that I can't see the world because Im stuck at a job, No! I want to see the world and travel and try different food and just experience life.

I don't think you can ever find success within yourself if you never take risks and if you don't get rid of things in your life that may be hindering your success. As scary as that may sound I feel its true. Taking a leap of faith into an unknown territory is what can open doors in the long run. Or trying new things.

I guess what Im trying to say is find your success! and I'm saying this to myself as well. Sometimes we have to take a leap of faith to find out what we love and by finding out what we love, that can be the key to opening up our success. I feel that by finding success within yourself, life because just that more sweet and memorable.

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