My New Found Joys!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Since I've been on this journey to finding myself I have really found joy in Inspiration/Detox Books. These books basically help give you inspiration to challenge yourself a little more. You can write in it or take some of their ideas for everyday inspiration . I usually like to go through mine first thing in the morning to get my day started and to see if there is anything new I can try. We all have those days when were not feeling out best but we still need to keep pushing forward. Right? These books are great ways to write down your thoughts and goals and reach them. [daily goals that is].

The first book I want to talk about is called starting today a journal of intention and change. This book/journal is a way for you to take steps in changing bad habits or taking a different approach to a situation and every section starts out with starting today i will.... This was the first book I purchased and I write in it everyday and it really does bring me peace when I accomplish those things. Somethimes they are the smallest of things like, today I will ask questions, very simple things that you may have a hard time doing. You write about whatever it is that you want to accomplish.

This book is also filled with little ideas to complete everyday! 

The second book I want talk about is unplug everyday 365 ways to log off and live better. This book is filled with so many ideas to get out of your comfort zone and see the world a different way. Sometimes we all have a routine and we follow that routine daily. Work, school, gym home, but getting out of a routine is a good way to expand your mind. As much as we love social media it really has diminished the face to face interaction with people. This is a great way to still keep that social interaction and take risks to step out of your comfort zone.

I hope you enjoy some of these books because I know I really do and If I find anymore that are just as exciting to me, I'll share them with you

until next time xoxo

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