5 Things I Wish I Knew In My Early 20's

Monday, February 19, 2018

 This year I will be 26 years old which means I am going to be a little more than halfway through my 20's which is so crazy to think about! It feels like just yesterday I was 19 and running around my college campus. But this has given me time to think about all the things I wish I knew or did when I was in my early 20's. I wish I had a me when I was younger to guide me to things I wish I knew now.


OMG! I so so wish I interned or got experience in multiple career fields. I think when your just starting out in college this is the perfect time to try different careers, to see what you might like. What you love at 19 or 21 could not be the same when you get 25. So having that experience can go a long way when your job hunting a little later in life. Most jobs want you to know a little about the career your stepping into, so INTERN INTERN INTERN LOL!


Make sure that whatever loans you apply for, you understand them fully. I think at 18 going into college I had no idea what a loan really was or was I was signing. Most of us need loans to pay for college unless you can get grants or scholarships, then that's great. Never be afraid to ask someone who knows about loans and to help you decide.


I feel like when i was living in the dorms I was so home sick. It was just the fact that I didn't live in my room or my old house anymore that really got to me. I enjoyed having freedom and hanging out with my friends but I was still home sick at night. But i think that's part of growing and sometimes you just have to roll with it and enjoy it. i wish i would have enjoyed that experience a lot more. There's nothing like having "free" room and board and endless activities and free time.


Don't care about what others say or think about you. this is your life and you can live it anyway you want. There is no set rules to life. be fearless, take risks and just be your true self.


Keeping good references with employees or teachers can be a benefit for you in the future. Always keep lines of communication open and clear. You never know when you might want to apply for an internship or a job. Having creditable people to reference you is always a good sign.

Hope this helps anyone with there early 20's. Or if your in your mid or late 20's whats some advice you would give to others or your younger self?

leave a comment below

until next time xoxo

Jewlery Organization With The Container Store

There's nothing like getting new organization products that actually do their job. ORGANIZE! It took me a while to figure out different organization systems for my rings, bracelets, etc. I've tried decorative boxes, cute plates, pretty much anything you can think of.

I came across these amazing organization products ( At My Favorite Store Ever) perfect for my jewelry! Drum Roll Please....None other than THE CONTAINER STORE!

The container store has some of the best organization products from your office to your kitchen all the way to travel essentials.

The First Organizer I purchased was this white/wood necklace and bracelet holder. I saw It on the shelf and thought it was just perfect for the minimal amount of necklaces and bracelets I have.


The next organizing product was this acrylic drawer organizer. the good thing about this organizer is I can add multiple layers and make it and entire makeup/jewelry organizer. It's great for keeping all my studs in individual compartments. I even have a few other trinkets as well.

My Goals For 2018...

Thursday, February 1, 2018

I know I'm a little late, but I really had to dig deep and think about all the things I want to accomplish in 2018. So 2018 is here, time to bust out the pen and notepad and get to these goals I'm looking forward to accomplishing. Mostly my goals are personal goals. I wont be sharing all of my goals but some of them. I like to break my goals down into categories such as career, personal, financial. the goals I'm posting today are more personal goals or goals related to my blog. Here We Go.

Number 1.
Weight Loss, Yup I said It! Ugh I hate saying weight loss, but guys its true. I want to loose weight and just be more healthier activity wise. I look back on old pictures and I'm like "MAN!" Who is that girl? I love clothes and I want to feel my most comfortable in them. So weight loss is definitely my number one goal. 

Number 2.
Travel Travel Travel. I need to get out more and travel, even if its just for the weekend. Traveling and seeing a different environment really opens up your mind and creativity. So traveling more is definitely in the works. Now the only question is where to? hmm

Number 3. 
Consistency! It really is key. I have been trying my best to be consistent but sometimes its hard or I get unmotivated. But the goal is to stay consistent, and try to find those things that keep me motivated. I love giving helpful tips or doing a fun blog post. I just need to prioritize my time and get back on track. but I'm getting there. 

Number 4. 
Get off meat completely! So earlier in 2017, I became a vegetarian and felt great but slowly started to eat meat again. My ultimate goal is to not eat any meat and if I want protein there is always fish (I love Salmon) and also beans etc. This has been such an off and on again goal of mine since I keep reverting back to chicken, because that's my weakness. lol
Number 5.
Go Out More! I'm not talking about the club or bars or anything. But just out in general, restaurants, new stores, museums. Just go out and do things. Sometimes there's even free events in downtown or Tempe. I just need to go out and mingle and have a good time. Over the past year I have definitely become more of a home body and though there is nothing wrong with that. I would like to get out more and mingle and be social. Social events here I come, Hopefully (fingers crossed) 
These are just a few of my goals I'm sharing, but I'm sure in the near future I'll have more. I'm always adding goals throughout the year. Or I add short term goals. I'm curious at what some of your goals are, let me know in the comments? Maybe we share the same goal. #girlpower 

Create Your Own Keepsake Box!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Does anyone have a keepsake box? I do, and I love it. I keep all of my important things in there, that I want to remember. From small gifts from my past students (FYI: I use to be a preschool teacher) To thank you notes and just random knick knacks. I wanted to share with you how I organize my keepsake box and help you create your own if you don't have one.

A box that has a few of your favorite sentimental pieces is a great alternative than to having a garage or closet filled with just random achievements. I find that if you sort through and really look at what you have you'll find that most of those keepsakes you don't need.

Even though I keep letters or thank you notes, I often go through them when I receive a new one. Memories are important to all of us, but its also important to remember not every single memory can be saved in a box. and remember you always have the memory in your head. But saving those really important memories or something you want to pass down to your children is something worth saving.

I use this really cute and simple box from The Container Store. They come in many different sizes and they fit a nice amount of stuff. Of course knowing me, I went for the white option, because I just love the look of the white boxes.  Its very crisp and clean, but they also have other colors as well.

School Projects and Report Cards Are Important To Me, So I Have A few of My Elementary School Booklets/Projects And Report Cards

More things in my keepsake box...

-Bead bracelets from my former students
-Cards and letters from parents, families and my students
-Id badges/plane tickets from important events

A keepsake box is sentimental to you, so gather things in there that are unique to your life and the memories you want to keep and look back on

Hope you enjoyed this post and let me know if you have a keepsake box and what things you put in there!

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