Sunday Thoughts

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Well Happy Sunday!
I'm sitting here on my bed thinking of every possible thing I want to do, as in goals in life etc. I go to write a blog post, I'm staring at a blank page. All I can think about is the life I want, and how am I going to get it? and what is ultimately going to bring Happiness, which is the most important factor. Have you ever just sat around all day thinking and planning of everything you want to do and accomplish in life? well that's been me lately. [lately, as in me all day] There's so many avenues and roads you can take in life, it's literally so hard to focus on one thing you want to do. I want to do everything at one time, Right Now! It's like you trying to figure out what you can do in life that includes everything you love. When your doing what you love it won't be like having a job, it would be LIFE! for me its like I love children, I love teaching, organizing, fashion, blogging, but also being my own boss. If I could I would throw everything into one and create my own job hahaha.

        A life where you are being creative and fulfilling that REAL you is so rewarding and inevitably what life should be about. Creating and Growing and helping others and just having that fulfillment.

just a few thoughts for today... Its been one of those relaxing (eating ice-cream) kind of sundays! Hope yours is all and well :)

Summer Weekend Drinks!

 With Summer approaching so quickly, this is the perfect time of year for cool refreshing drinks. Besides the fact summers here in Arizona get extremely HOT, like 110 degrees kind of hot. I have been craving a delicious refreshing drink because I dont know about you, but I love love love drinks that have fruit in them. [Lets just say I'm obsessed]  These drinks are so easy to make, they will only take you about 5 minutes to pour up. Who doesn't have five minutes to make a drink. I know I do. Also if you want to spice it up, you can make this an alcoholic beverage with a little vodka or beverage of choice. BTW I got these adorable stars and stripes paper straws from Target in the dollar sections.

Strawberry Cucumber Lemonade
Simply Lemonade or whatever lemonade you prefer (I just love the taste of there lemonade)
Sliced strawberries
Sliced cucumbers

After all the ingredients are mixed together let it stand in the refrigerator for at least 10-20 minutes.

Sparkling POB (Pineapple, Orange, Banana)

Dole Pineapple Orange Banana Juice or fresh pineapple juice and orange juice

Fill your cup up with mostly juice and add just a few splashes of S Pellegrino to your liking.

My Niece definitely enjoyed it :)

Happy May Flowers

Friday, May 1, 2015

Ahhhhh! It's a new month!!! Whenever a new month rolls around I get Super Excited. A new month to me is a great time to
May has always been a happy month for me since I was in school. Its that time of year when school lets out your done with taking a hundred million test, it's all about signing year books and planning sleep overs like every weekend!! and on the plus side you get to travel,see family and swim (all day, literally) and just enjoy SUMMER!
Now that I'm a few years out of all the junior high/high school days summer to me is all about Relaxing, Swimming and BBQ's in that order too:)
May is like a transition month from a hectic busy schedule to a calm chill schedule. With all the events happening in may it can become a busy month. Graduations, Ceremonies, BBQ's, School Performances Etc. You can't for get about all the Fantastic Holidays!!
  • Cinco De Mayo
  • National Teacher Day (Yes!!! Stand up for Great Teachers)
  • Mother's Day
  • Memorial Day
All these Great holidays I can't wait to celebrate. I am truly looking forward to having a Great Summer and having Fun. Hopefully along the way I can capture some really cool memories! I already started writing down goals I want to accomplish this month and the main one was keeping my desk organized. This is like the hardest task for me because my desk is like my free for all space I write at my desk to crafts and sometimes it becomes my dresser.

Another goal of mine is to start meal planning. When I actually calculated how much I spend on just fast food or going out (ouch$$$$) it starts to add up. I finally started looking into meal prepping and preparing meals at home. That way I stay healthier and save a little mula (if you know what I mean) Besides I want to work on my cooking skills a little more, I know how to cook the basics but there's nothing wrong with sharpening those skills. So maybe one day I know how to make Thanksgiving Dinner all by myself. (hashtag grown women goals)

I've also been thinking about not eating so much meat. I'm not saying I want to become a vegetarian... just yet. I am saying I want to be a little more healthier! I love is burgers mmmm like I love burgers but I did find an alternative that I like. These Quorn chicken patties are meatless and soy free. They are so good and you can dress them up in lettuce and tomato just like a real chicken burger. 

These are the three goals I have been pondering over all day. I'm sure as the month goes on I will acquire more but baby steps, baby steps. Hopefully I can get on the road to a healthier lifestyle this summer! what are some of your goals this summer??

[Tumblr Inspired] Inspiration Wall

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hello Sunshines!
I've slowly but surely been working on my room (desk area especially) I decided to go ahead and continue my inspiration wall that I started a year ago but never finished...ooops! This time around I wanted to use actual pictures from Tumblr instead of cut out magazines like before. It just adds a more clean look to the wall, in my opinion.  I love Tumblr!! So I went on there and went to work saving some of my favorite photos. Along the way I added a few of my own photos to the wall that I took myself:) [shameless plug] I've seen so many ideas of inspiration walls, I wanted my own.  Waking up to inspiring words or pictures really help me start my day off in a positive way. Some of the pictures are just photos I like, or either places I want to travel to. The number one place I want to travel to is LONDON! The Beautiful UK, One day! so I keep a reminder on my wall everyday.

One of my main concerns about creating my inspiration wall was the quality of the photos, so I went out and bought a jumbo pack of high gloss photo paper. I currently think I'm obsessed with photo paper, I just love it. The look, the feel how it makes my photos look in my room! ahhhh, I don't think I'll ever print photos on regular paper again... To hang up my pictures at first I was going to use command stripes, but they come pretty expensive if your planing on buying a lot like I was. Instead I went the cheaper route and used simple clear packing tape and a little gift wrapping tape for the small corners, as so far it holds up nicely.

 There are so many ways you can spice up your inspiration wall. You can take some of your Instagram photos and print them out. You can frame some of the pictures to add a little dimension to the wall. Another idea is to just create a random collage with real photos, magazine photos, cutouts of newspapers, life achievements etc.  I love my wall, I find myself waking up and just staring at it. I hope this inspires some of you to go out and create your own inspiration wall.

until next time xoxo

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