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It's My Birthday!! What I've Learned?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

It's Officially My Birthday! Wooooo, Yay [I couldn't be Happier] 
Hello to all my Leos out there. [23 years old] is not a huge milestone in the age department but it's another year of life and of me being happy and healthy. On top of that what better way to bring in a new year of birth than things that I've learned in my 23 years on this earth. This was actually a challenge thinking of 23 things that I've learned so far. So... I narrowed it down to 10. Of course we all learn so much even in a day, but to actually recognize lessons that really impacted your life can be hard to remember. Since my blog is kind of like an online diary. I wanted to share this with you, because maybe, just maybe you can relate and boom! [we have something in common] soooo yeah!

1. Reach for something you've never reached for before. Basically if you have an idea or goal just sitting in the back of your mind. Just go for it and actually do it! You never know the payoff 

2. Practice what you preach. That sang never gets old [NEVER] and its extremely true.  Don't talk about something but your not a believer in it yourself.

3. Your confidence in measured more by how you think of yourself. If you think highly of yourself and you know your worth as a human/women/man/etc, then your confidence and strength will show more and the opinions of others will not matter. [they will eventually become irrelevant]

 4. Nothing is handed to you. If you want something go out there and work to get it. You'll have a much better feeling knowing that you worked for something and it paid off.

5. In order to see results you have to work towards them. I can't just lay in my bed all day and say I want to [loose weight] but never get up and try anything to achieve that goal.

6. Don't listen to the negative, focus on the positive. Everyone is going to have an opinion and sometimes we even doubt ourselves but knowing the positive affect in everything you do will kick those negative thoughts right out the window.

7. Everybody is in their own lane and that's okay! As humans/People we are always secretly comparing ourselves to others when it comes to success. In all actuality everyone is on their own path and thats okay because you will eventually get to where you want to be also.

8. I love and hate social media. I love all the good it does with networking and business and keeping in touch with friends but I hate how controlling its become and how attached we are. But don't get me wrong I love me some social media but every once in a while its good to take a break.

 9. Writing thank you letters go a long way. We forget how important it is to send a hand written letter. A letter takes time and the whole process is different from sending a simple text. Its just much more personal and Im glad I know that know. 

10. We as humans are always evolving and changing. You are never going to be the same person you were the day before. Theres always things that we gain or loose and those things can change our views on life, relationships, success etc. So over night you can have a different opinion or view on something or gain knowledge in a certain area, and be [slowly changing] without even knowing it.

Sunday Thoughts

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Well Happy Sunday!
I'm sitting here on my bed thinking of every possible thing I want to do, as in goals in life etc. I go to write a blog post, I'm staring at a blank page. All I can think about is the life I want, and how am I going to get it? and what is ultimately going to bring Happiness, which is the most important factor. Have you ever just sat around all day thinking and planning of everything you want to do and accomplish in life? well that's been me lately. [lately, as in me all day] There's so many avenues and roads you can take in life, it's literally so hard to focus on one thing you want to do. I want to do everything at one time, Right Now! It's like you trying to figure out what you can do in life that includes everything you love. When your doing what you love it won't be like having a job, it would be LIFE! for me its like I love children, I love teaching, organizing, fashion, blogging, but also being my own boss. If I could I would throw everything into one and create my own job hahaha.

        A life where you are being creative and fulfilling that REAL you is so rewarding and inevitably what life should be about. Creating and Growing and helping others and just having that fulfillment.

just a few thoughts for today... Its been one of those relaxing (eating ice-cream) kind of sundays! Hope yours is all and well :)

What I Learned In 2014!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

 I know I'm late but it's finally the new year Yay! Let me just start out by saying I have been having writers block ever since the new year, its like my brain reset or something! but I am so excited for whats to come in 2015!!! The process of coming up with new ideas and bringing them into existence is just so fun and fulfilling. I cant wait to bring out more of the creative side of me and just really make some great memories! My Blog is Truly like my outlet. I can express the things I like and the things I enjoy. I can be creative, and I get to open up a different side of me and that is why I love blogging. I hope this year is a great one filled with new experiences! I would like to share a few of the things I have learned in 2014. For me 2014 was a very personal year, but I had a lot of great experiences and learned a lot about myself. So grab some tea and kick your feet up, I kind of have a lot to say (smile).

Love for self- One of the most important things I have learned was "loving yourself" and I  don't mean just saying it, No! I mean truly saying and showing I love me and I'm important. I think we are all special people with special traits and qualities and in order to love you, you have to embrace those traits and qualities and really not care what others think of you. You will eventually attract the right people to fit you and your life.I feel so strongly that self love is the most important love. If you don't love you, you will eventually let people run over you or you wont have that confidence to go out there and pursue your dreams. This is the body and person you have to live with forever. So never forget about you:)

Coming Out of Your Shell- Coming out of my shell ,a little, has been another lesson I've learned in 2014. Sometimes we dought ourselves and forget to take a leap of faith and just go for whatever dreams we have, even if we fail. You know you were at least strong enough to try and branch out. Sometimes it's life experiences that force us to come out of our shell.

Finding what makes you happy- Blogging, Blogging , blogging. 2014 is when I started my blog and I am so extremely happy and thankful that I was able to find out how much I love blogging. Growing up I always wrote in a journal my thoughts, dreams and ideas and I feel so good when I get to blog, its like my personal outlet to life.

Growing takes time- Growing into the person your suppose to be takes time, it doesn't happen over night. Knowing that makes me feel alot better actually! Sometimes you feel like your not progressing as a person but when you look back on yourself and how you thought or how you look, you realize, yes I am growing and changing but everything is a process. The person you were in 2014 is not the same person your gonna be in 2015.  Which is why sometimes people from your past don't click with you because you are constantly growing and changing.

Retaliation is never the answer- This is a weird one for some but a very relatable one I think. We as humans have feelings and emotions and sometimes we think if someone does something to us we have to get them back we have to give them an eye for an eye. In all honesty no you don't. It's best to just get away from people who don't have your best intentions in mind. No one should ever cause you to be other than yourself. Why bring yourself to such a low level.

I learned I love cake and sweets a little to much!!
I learned I can spend hours organizing and cleaning (i'm a little OCD)
I learned I want to live In a colder climate one day
I learned I love trying new foods, its exciting!

Share with me some of the things you learned in 2014 in the comments below! xoxo <3

Last but not least I am so extremely thankful for the people who support me! I really am, even if you just read a blog post or subscribe to my blog or share a post or follow me on social networks. I am so thankful and happy for you all. You have no idea how much that means to me! The smallest things matter to me and I couldn't be more thankful. 

I am so looking forward to 2015!!!!!

Overcoming Fear & Just Be Happy... (Free Spirit Friday)

Friday, November 7, 2014

This past week has been a battle of emotions for me.....I'm not going to lie. Over coming fear or the feeling of rejection can be one of the hardest things to deal with! But knowing that end result will pay off is what should really be the main focus. Stepping out on the limb and doing something you may have never done before gives me the bubbly feeling in my stomach. Actually when I think about it I just want to curl up in a ball and hide lol But this is life and you cant do that or you will never grow and prosper. I'm writing this post to say....well, never let fear or rejection stand in the way. Yes its there, and in present time its the worst most scary feeling ever. But getting over a challenge and doing it still gives you a sense of accomplishment for me at least it does. Even if you fail, you can always say you tried and took a big step. I would say try not to think of the cons or what can go wrong, but rather think of the good and how happy you are, doing something you love. If you want to join a sport but you may not have the confidence to do it. Just think what if you go out there and make a killing! Stop thinking of the bad in every thing you do. I feel like that's how you grow. just take a leap and go for what you like to do. You don't get anywhere if you don't at least try. Even if you had no one to believe in you. believe in yourself (cliche line) I know but very accurate. You are in control of your own life not others. and well sometimes you have to think outside the four walls you live in.
There's a whole world out there just for you. It doesn't just belong to one person or only certain people. It belongs to everyone and  we should all enjoy our lives and do what makes you happy! Stepping over the small hurdle of fear can get us so much further. I'm not just talking about jobs or careers, even in you personal life. You are never stuck in any situation! We all deserve to be treated right and fairly, we also have the right to be just HAPPY! what ever happen to that. Sometimes it seems like when your happy people can be so judgmental, like calm down I, we, people, have the right to be HAPPY! sooooo ...I hope I didn't bore you with my little rant. But its friday and I'm calling it free spirit friday! A time to just chill relax and express my thoughts. Anyways love you

until next time

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