posts in Organization

Peak Into My Closet

Saturday, February 4, 2017

 Hey Guys!! 

Even though my closet is no where near being done. I still like that I've managed to keep it organized and simple. I've spent a little around 50 dollars getting my closet to at least a point where everything has a place and everything is organized and easy to find. My favorite part of my closet is my felt covered hangers. Yes (I said hangers) I love that nothing slides off of them, they all look universal and just seamless. The look I'm going for when I do upgrade to a larger closet is a black and white theme. I'm super excited about that, but for now. I love my bright pink bins that I've had a little over a year now and they have definitely held up well. 

My second favorite thing in my closet, are these Durable Plastic Shoe Containers from Bed Bath and Beyond. I never thought I would be a person with my shoes in separate organized boxes but over the years routines and habits change. I love being able to see my shoes and still have them protected and covered. My Heels stay in the top of my closet because the boxes are to small for them but I love opening my closet and seeing my 2-3 inch heels that I rarely wear lol.

I use my bins to store Hats, Small Blankets and My Clutches and wallets. They honestly fit so much inside of just one.

I hope you enjoyed my little peak into my closet. Hopefully I gave you a few ideas to keep your closet organized.

Until Next Tim XOXO

Tips on having a Productive Work Week

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Hey Hey There! Long time no see. Well let's put all that aside because today I'm talking{ all } about having a productive work week. I know finding that motivation to prepare for a new work week can be draining (for some) AKA me. but with a few simple preparations it will be a piece of cake. I like to start early on Sunday mornings, I feel more productive when my day starts between 7-9am. I definitely try not to procrastinate (remember the more you put off today the more you have to do through out the week)

I usually like to start with my weekly planning || I plan out all the things I may have due [ bills etc] or things I have to get done [ washing clothes, answering emails, clean my car etc] Luckily for me my planner comes with a printed out schedule for easy planning. I like to set a goal of 3 productive outcomes for the week and 3 productive outcomes for the day.

After I get all of my planning done I get to work. First on the list | Washing Clothes | I prefer to get all my washing done on Sunday or Saturday so that when the new work week rolls around I'm all set and prepared || And who doesn't love the smell of freshly washed laundry.

Plan your meals and grocery shop || I use this super helpful grocery shopping list through out the week, that way I know exactly what foods I need. It also makes meal planning a lot easier.

 Pick out your outfits. This may be an extra step but it definitely helps in the long wrong on those days you may be in a hurry. I like to pick out and iron my clothes in advance for a stress free easy morning.

Clean your house and your car. This is probably my favorite thing to do. I love having a clean, fresh car come Monday morning. It makes my drives my peaceful actually. Having a clean house when you wake up in the morning is also another icing on the cake. My day doesn't feel fulfilling if I wake up with cl- udder all around me.

Drink plenty of water. This may not seem like a big process but drinking water through out the day keeps you hydrated and refreshed.

Remember to check and respond to emails. This may be one of those dreadful tasks but keeping a clean organized inbox makes you feel better and keeps your on track and productive. I know I hate those days you wait a whole week to check your email and you may have 1,000 unread emails in your inbox. Then you feel overwhelmed and stressed. I advice you check and respond to emails daily.

 My last tip of the day is to take 20mins to an hour to just meditate and dedicate time to yourself to write down your thoughts to just clear your mind. Just grab some tea and find a nice quiet spot all to yourself.

Get plenty of Rest, Relax and Enjoy your Sunday!!

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